Monday, February 3, 2025


Invites you to a Facility Tour

Manitoba Hydro:

High-Voltage Test Facility


Where:             110 Newmarket Blvd. Winnipeg MB, R3T 1Y6

When:  Starting at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Cost:                Student SAE Members - $5.00 

                           Professional SAE Members - $7.00

                           Guests - $10.00Manitoba Hydro


Manitoba Hydro is the province’s sole electrical and natural gas utility, evolving from the Winnipeg Gas Company founded in 1873 to its present state where it operates 16 hydroelectric generating stations and almost 11 000 km of transmission and distribution pipelines. These generating stations range as far north as the Lower Nelson River near the town of Gillam, and as far south as Seven Sisters. Harnessing the flow of the Nelson, Laurie, and Winnipeg Rivers, they boast a generating capacity of 6 100 megawatts.


To this end, Manitoba Hydro employs the largest group of electrical, civil, and mechanical engineers of any company in the province. From transmission line engineering to operations studies to generation design, and beyond, Manitoba Hydro works to deliver reliable, clean, and cost-effective energy to its customers. It also provides an engineer-in-training rotation program to expose new graduates to various departments within the corporation.   

The Tour

 Manitoba Hydro operates a state-of-the-art high voltage test facility, constructed in 2011 to safely and securely test components prior to installation. Touring the test facility provides a unique insight into the leading-edge design of Manitoba Hydro’s generating station equipment, and it has even been featured on the Discovery Channel.


Please note that all attendees must provide their own safety glasses and steel-toed boots to enter the facility. Hard hats will be provided at the test facility.


 Preregistration is required. Please follow this link to register electronically, or visit


Registration before 4 PM February 14th is required. This event is limited to 20 participants.


Registration Payment is preferred in advance via eTransfer to

Use the following for the security question & answer:

Question: What is the name of the society?

Answer: SAEManitoba


Note: For onsite payment only cash can be accepted.

Contact information for any issues or concerns:



Parking is available in front of the Test Facility.