Thursday, October 6, 2016

Technical Event - Precision ADM

Invites you to a technical presentation:

Precision ADM

Where: Unit A -1595 Buffalo Pl., Winnipeg, MB R3T1M1
When:  Starting at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 18th, 2016
     6:00 PM – Registration and Light Supper
     6:30 PM – Introduction of Speaker and Presentation
     7:15 PM – Tour of Facility
     8:00 PM – Meeting is adjourned
Cost: SAE Members - $7.00, Students - $5.00, Guests - $10.00 (includes light supper)
APEGM CPD: APEGM members credit 2 Professional Development Hours for “Informal Activity”

Our Speakers

Jared Kozub has extensive background as a Mechanical Design Engineer in R&D and Product Development in manufacturing industry. Applying this experience to his passion for 3D printing and additive manufacturing results in optimal development solutions for clients.
Alan Rattan is a design engineer at Precision ADM, creating new product development and customer applications. He has a keen interest in automation and robotics, and has years of experience working in R&D and product development. Alan is presently involved in engineering efforts to leverage advanced manufacturing technology in developing complete solutions for customers in various industries.

The Tour

Precision ADM Inc. (PADM) is the first start-up company currently wholly owned by the Orthopaedic Innovation Centre. PADM was incorporated May 11, 2015 and has since operated out of the OIC facilities. PADM identifies, develops, and manufactures high value components and device applications for the medical, aerospace, energy and industrial sectors. The medical industry is moving towards patient specific devices to offer better, more personalized therapies. The aerospace industry is innovating towards lighter and more fuel efficient aircraft while developing new components with reduced, expedited supply chain. Our solution to our clients is to provide digital manufacturing design and/or manufacturing solutions to make their products more efficient and functional than those made with conventional manufacturing methods.


Registration is required in advance, before October 16th, and limited to 20 people. Please follow this link to register electronically, or register through our website:

For registration questions contact: Irene Wasilewski - Tel: (204) 290-4054


Ample scramble parking is available adjacent to the building.

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